Mass Customization Concept Map

I created a concept map of mass customization as it stands today, and a secondary sheet showing the companies that play in each space. Open publication – Free publishing – More concept...

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Mapping Processes that Go Unnoticed – 3rd Ward Open Call

I’ve entered some of my mapping projects into the 3rd ward open call art contest. I need your vote before Oct. 28! [issuu viewmode=presentation showflipbtn=true documentid=111026000510-2730cfe625634c16a45e6c598e9aa24f docname=mappingsubmissionflow username=snowflyzone loadinginfotext=Mapping%20processes%20that%20go%20unnoticed....

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Maps of Perception – Water

In 2008 I started a project focused on hand drawn maps. I am fascinated by perception, and how personal background and geography shape what we know and how we convey our experiences. I’ve conducted a number of perception mapping exercises, collecting maps from people around the world via Amazon Mechanical Turk, and have decided to pick up again on one of my favorites – water. I ask you to draw a map of the path that water takes from...

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Spin Theory

Knowledge transfer through spinning Spin Theory is an exploration of ‘knowledge transfer’ as it applies to design through the creation and mapping of 66 spinning tops. As a human race, we know a lot. How do we transfer this knowledge? What does knowledge transfer mean for design? Spin theory explores these questions via the creation and evolution of 66 spinning tops. Process: (1) Build a spinning top (2) Spin it, have others...

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Outcrop 2008 Personal Statement 25 pairs of shoes in polyester resin approximately 4′ x 8′ accompanied by annotated stratigraphic section and enlarged thin sections Geologists often create stratigraphic sections, in order to describe the rock history in an area. These sections sequentially show rock units and describe their contacts, erodibility, and depositional history. Additionally, thin sections of rock slices are examined...

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Personal Maps

For 17 days in October / November 2007 I made a hand-drawn map of my day. The maps were not to scale but reflected my geographic whereabouts according to my perception of their importance. I made an overlay with all of the maps, and added the colors digitally. I presented the full map and three subsections. Get the flash player here:...

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Map of the radiation fallout from Chernobyl Polyester Resin on a custom light box Built using actual data contours 2007 Get the flash player here:...

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Bedforms and Cross-Bedding in Animation

I spent two years working as a Geologist at the USGS in Santa Cruz, CA.  Bedforms and Cross-Bedding in Animation by David M. Rubin and myself is a college-level textbook on sediment transport processes.  It’s available for purchase here or you can play with the online, interactive exploration tool via the USGS Bedform Sedimentology Site. If you are so inclined, Rubin and Carter, 2005 includes our downloadable MATLAB code to create...

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Bedrock Channel Evolution: Field Constraints and Physical Modeling

For my MS thesis in Earth Science I studied the evolution of bedrock channels and the fluid mechanics of bedrock erosion by abrasion in the slot canyons of the southwest United States. Abrasion-dominated fluvial erosion generates slot canyons with intricately undulating wall morphology. Flows in slot canyons are unusual in that the walls comprise a significant portion of the wetted perimeter of the flow. Translation: Most rivers are much wider...

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Subglacial environment inferred from bedrock-coating siltskins

The landscape revealed by retreating glaciers provides evidence, much of it ephemeral, for subglacial processes that are difficult to observe directly. Glaciers that thin over rough bedrock surfaces continue to slide by regelation as adjacent subsurface cavity systems develop and enlarge. Subglacial deposits, including the cemented coatings we describe here, provide insight into subglacial conditions. Rock-coating, carbonate-cemented lithic...

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