There’s no daylight left in Michigan.
When you wander the streets of quaint towns like Holland, MI, you overhear things being said in the local language. Most of these words are recognizable, but recently I heard a squawk of a word that should come with a warning. Both parts of this word come with the flat A sound merged with a number of Y type noises. Cover the ears of your children and say it with me: backtrack.

This kind of lust is for sun only.
I find it odd that someone in the town planning committee didn’t yell ‘backtrack’ when the they decided to roll out the town visual identity signage. Conservative but suggestive – wow! This might be a spicy place after all.
Words like backtrack make me wish I knew more about linguistics. Actually, I wish I knew more about a lot of things, or that I, at the very least, retained info that I know I used to know. Have you ever opened up an old notebook from school and marveled at the type and scope of information you once retained? Why, body, have I decided to forget useful back of the envelope math and instead decided to retain the memory of standing bent over in the middle school girls locker room, waiting patiently as the passive-aggressive gym teacher counted my vertebrae to make sure I didn’t have scoliosis?
This rainy, Michigan weekend is devoid of sunlight. On one hand, I finished my indoor skateboard and now my bare feet can grip soft leather like never before. On the other hand, the gods at Hulu keep trying to convince me that I’ll dance awkwardly and my eyelids might darken if I would only take

The internet thinks I would take a pill for 16 weeks for this...
Latisse. Who wouldn’t risk permanent eye pigmentation for the chance at creepy eyelashes?
Can an ad be an ad without letting me know it’s an ad? Will we ever get to the point that advertising is something I crave? As much as I like saying the word ODST, I’ll never play Halo. I will, however, quickly succumb to any number of user experiences. Tease, embed, dangle, lust, tactile, grasp, assume, embody…a stream of consciousness that I dare you to use on me.
It’s raining. Can I get scoliosis from sitting on the couch?
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